• Peaches Recipe
  • Peaches Recipe
  • Peaches Recipe
  • Peaches Recipe

4 percocche peaches (the ones used for peaches in syrup)
80 g sugar
40 g amaretti cookies crushed
40 g blanched almonds
40 g of butter
2 egg yolks
dry Marsala.

Wash and dry the peaches, cut in half and remove the stone. Scoop out a little of the flesh to make more room. Put this flesh in a bowl and squash it thoroughly into the crumbled amaretti, egg yolks and half the sugar. Mix well.
Take an oven dish, butter it well or line with oven paper, fill the peaches and put them in the dish in a single layer. Chop the almonds finely and sprinkle over each peach. Dust with the remaining sugar and put a knob of butter in the center of each peach and drizzle with Marsala. Serious epicures may wish to add a flake or two of plain chocolate.
Cook for an hour in an oven pre-heated to 180° C. Take a look at the half way stage and if they seem too dry, add a little more Marsala.
I prefer to use these big, compact, yellow peaches but if you don’t find them just use the normal ones and shorten the cooking time a bit.

Enjoy and let me know how it came out!

Photos:@Tosca Radigonda
