The recipe that I want to give you today is very simple and very satisfying because Zabaglione is the most sumptuous sweet cream you ca dream about.

Easy to make e widely appropriate, it has  a very ancient origin not completely certain; the most accredited theory says that Zabaglione was invented in Turin in the sixteenth century, in honor of the Franciscan monk San Pasquale Baylón, protector of cooks and pastry chefs.
The cream was first called “San Baylón cream” and then, simply, Sambayon (still today in the Piedmontese dialect the hot eggnog drink that is consumed in winter is called sanbajon).
The extraordinary thing about this dessert is its so defined and specific aroma that in some areas it is also served with meat dishes.

Zabaglione Pudding

Another quality of this cream that should not be underestimated is that it can remain in the fridge for three or four days and as we all know a dessert that can be prepared the day before without losing its consistency and its fragrance is an excellent ally for those who has a lot of time to cook but loves to invite friends over for dinner.

For me, moreover, it is a childhood memory because my mother, prodded by my father, an incorrigible greedy, often prepared it on Sunday mornings in winter and offered it to us for breakfast. Each time I wondered why he made so little of it, because my sisters and I had to fight over the slightly stuck bottom of the saucepan. Growing up I understood how many eggs are needed to make a good eggnog and consequently how wise my mother was in giving us only a meager bowl each
No more nostalgia, I’ll give you the list of ingredients right away (really minimal) and I’ll describe the procedure to follow: do it literally and you’ll thank me!
Keep in mind that the proportion is always 1/3, 1/3, 1/3…. so you can’t go wrong
For 4 people
90 g Sugar
90 g egg yolks (4 or 5 depending on the size of the egg)
90 g Marsala
First, put a bowl (preferably metal one) with ice cubes in the freezer. Dissolve a part of the sugar in the Marsala on the fire, taking care not to reach the boil toprevent the alcohol from evaporating In a heavy-bottomed saucepan, whisk the eggs with the remaining sugar until they are white and frothy. Add the sweetened Marsala and continue to whisk.

  • Zabaglione - Italian Dessert
  • Zabaglione - Italian Dessert
  • Zabaglione - Italian Dessert
  • Zabaglione - Italian Dessert

Cook the cream in a bain-marie until it begins to thicken a little without ceasing to mix with the hand whisk: be careful when removing the saucepan from the heat because when the zabaglione is ready it tends to stick to the bottom scratch and eat it by the spoonful). Remove the bowl with ice that was previously prepared from the freezer and, stirring constantly with a hand whisk, wait for the cream to cool. This procedure serves to prevent the film from forming on top of the zabaglione. Divide the cream into serving bowls and decorate as desired. Eggnog can be kept in the fridge for three or four days.

  • Zabaglione - Italian Dessert
  • Zabaglione - Italian Dessert
  • Zabaglione - Italian Dessert

So there you have it! A nice home made Zabaglione recipe to die for! I could it tons of this (diet not permitting!)



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